1st Trimester

After 3 years, I'm still worried??

Hey everyone--This is going to be kinda a get things off my mind with random questions post!!! Sorry If Im all over the place!!!


When I just had turned 17 years old, I found out I was pregnant with my 1st child (Yes I know, a young age!!) Well, that summer my mom & I went to the store and I ended up getting a REALLY sharp pain belly! Well a few hrs later I started spotting! My mom took me to the ER, they dint tell me much :( (at the time i was 7 weeks pregnant) Two weeks later I had my first U/S (The woman as not really nice AT ALL) Where they told me there was no heartbeat :( That broke my heart!! The doctor told me the sooner I pass/take the baby out, the better I will be able to cope!! I ended up having a DNC the next day!! ( I still get chocked up about it!! Also NOTE- The father was not there with me throw any of this!!)

3 months later  I found out I was pregnant again!! I made a doctor appt. the day after I found out!! They doctor office got me in that day!! I had an U/S 2-3 days later. (scared out my mind, I asked my mom to go back with me) This time was VERY diff. then last time!! We saw a heartbeat!!!!!! ( I started crying like a baby!!) I cared her the full 40+ Weeks (She came June 6th, her Due date was June 2) She is a healthy Happy little girl!! She will be one next month!! (NOTE- The father was there for me 6+ weeks up until 6 months--He had a thing about 6's)

Now, I'm pregnant again!! I mad a doc appt the day after I found out I'm pregnant. I had my 1st appt Tuesday. It went better then I thought it would!! I go back this Friday for my U/S the fear of  miscarrying is still there!! The father (my husband) is going with me & keeping me strong by telling me the baby is going to be fine!! I have not had any sing of miscarrying, like i did with the 1st one. So my hope is also strong!!



Am I crazy for still worrying about having a miscarry after about 3 years?? 

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