3rd Trimester

Opinion needed

I've been lurking sever since I found out I was pregnant, I've learned a lot and a lot of questions have been answered but now I have a question I need help with. I am currently 36 weeks with my first baby boy due June 14, my question is my hubby thinks its ok to put the new baby to sleep by himself on the first floor in a bedroom we set up for him, meanwhile our bedroom and his 7 year old daughters rooms are both upstairs, I have a problem with this bc I don't even have a monitor so I don't want to be up all night worrying about my baby. We originally agreed on having the baby sleep in our room in a bassinet for the first few months and see how that goes, now he's talking about having the baby downstairs in his own room or having me sleep downstairs with him, I originally wanted to move his daughter downstairs and put the baby in her old room but he refused so now I'm at the point of frustration and some opinions would be greatly appreciated, thanks ladies!

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