3rd Trimester

Nicholas is here!

Just wanted to update.  I got admitted yesterday morning at around 9:30.  Things went pretty quickly and smoothly.  By 10:45 I was ready for my epidural, started pushing at about 11:45 and Nicholas was born at 12:01, 7 lbs, 6 oz. and 20" long. It was a pretty easy labor and delivery. He is just beautiful and we are madly in love with him.  Especially Katie, she is over the moon excited. BFing is going well, he?s a little piggy!

I?m anxious to get out of here and go home to my own shower and bed, but that won?t be until sometime tomorrow.   Sorry if this is rambling, but I am excited and exhausted at the same time.  Delirious is probably a better word.  

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