Single Parents

Ex's Family?

Hi Ladies, I have mostly lurked on this board, but I just have a question to ask. My son is about 2 months old now and my ex's family (his aunts) are asking me to not cut them off and keep them in the loop about the baby, which I am totally fine with. They are also asking for me and DS to come over for visits, etc. My ex has decided to not be a part of his son's life. I was just wondering how other people's experiences with this kind of thing have gone. Did your ex have a problem with including their side of the family? Is this going to cause drama? I don't want to say no, because they are very nice women and LOVE my son I just don't want this to cause problems. Any advice would be great, thank you!
Liam Alexander born March 10th at 7:06 AM.
7.6 lbs; 20.5 inches

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