1st Trimester

1st u/s today! -- a week behind?!

Today was our first appt. and we had a confirmatory u/s.   At first the Dr. couldn't find the baby, and told us this would be a m/c.  I asked him to tell me what he did see. He began explaining that at what they were estimating to be week 7 we should see a gestational sac (which was the black hole we'd been looking at for the 2 minutes), a yolk, and a fetus w/ a hb.  Upon further probing (OH what a JOY!) he found the yolk sac and then.. there was our little one tucked in the very bottom of the GS.  According to the measurements we are 1 week behind for a 28 cycle.  Since this little blessing was conceived our first cycle after bcp and I was not charting I'm not really sure when we ovulated.  I told the dr. previous to bcp I had 33 day cycles, he said this baby was more in measurement with a longer cycle.  We go back on May 24 for a 2nd u/s to make sure baby K is growing.  I'm not worried, but DH is more worried now than he was before.  I'm just happy to have seen our little Pea with a HB!!

Any Thoughts?!

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