1st Trimester

XP: Problems at NT Scan and Subchorionic Hemorrage

Good Morning Ladies,

I haven't posted much at all because I have been so busy trying to get finals done for school. The last couple of weeks have been hard to handle...Two weeks ago I started spotting brown one evening, called the after hours line, went in the next morning, everything was fine. They thought it was left over period blood or my cervix bleeding. Ok cool.

Then last week I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had just peed my pants, got up and to the bathroom and bright red blood was just flowing out. Went and got my Fiance and we decided not to go to the ER because there wasn't anything they could do anyways. So the next morning called the Dr right when they opened and got in right away (had another two gushes of red blood). Thought for sure the pregnancy was over with the amount of blood and clots. To my surprise baby was fine but I have a Subchorionic Hemorrage. So I'm on light duty, no lifting, exercising, etc. I've had a couple big bleeds since then, but no spotting in 3 days.

Yesterday I went in for my NT Scan, baby looked great and was very active.  The Subchorionic Hemorrage was the same size but looked like it was "pancaking out", I guess this is what happens in order for it to be obsorbed by the body and I was just glad it hadn't grown. Then the Dr told us that the Nuchal measurement is large. It was 2.6mm, they worry with anything over 2.5, with .8 to 1.5 being normal. This puts us at risk for Down Syndrome and we will need to wait for the blood work in order to get an accurate odds ratio. The only saving grace here was when my Fiance asked what our son's measurement was, his was 2.1 so not exactly small and he is fine. I've heard all the horror stories of false positives with the Quad Screening blood work, so I don't know what to think. I am a mess (well I'm better today but I was last night), if it was one thing I think I could handle it. I guess I just wanted to get some advice, see if anyone has been here before with either the Subchorionic bleed or NT Scan. THANK YOU anyone who read this Smile!

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