
LO has not gained weight, a little long.

I have attempted to ebf since my daughter was born on April 30th.  She was born at 6lbs 14 oz and was discharged at 6lbs 1oz.  We ebf until her one week appointment.  Her weight check was still at 6lbs 1oz.  The doctor had me feed her at the appointment and reweighed her and she weighed in AFTER a feeding at 5lbs 14oz.  The pedi had me come back two days later to recheck her weight, there had been no change.  She had us start supplementing because she felt I do not produce enough milk.  I was devastated but started supplementing only a few times over the next two days, she ate 1oz of formula out of the 2 offered each time.  She gained and weighed in at 6lbs 2.5oz.

  I conculted an LC but have yet to meet with her, she does not think it is my supply and said that doctors tend to want rapid weight gain.  I take Fenugree, drink mother's milk tea, drink plenty of water, and eat oats daily.  I pump after feedings, do hot compresses on my breasts, and "shake down" the milk as per the LC's suggestions before feedings.  LO latches on and will eat off of both breasts for a combined 40 minutes to an hour.  When I pump after a feeding I may get a combined 1/2 ounce.  If I pump without her feeding I get 1oz from my right breast and 1/2 an ounce from my left.  The LC said for 2wks pp that was a good amount.  

Today we went for another weight and I only supplemented once over the weekend and she went down to 6lbs 1oz again.  They want me to supplement after every feeding and to come back in thursday.  I am giving in for now.  I am worried she has not gained weight like she should.  I do offer the pumped milk I have but do not have a stash built up and always offer my breast before a bottle.  I spoke to you all before about my "lack of supply" but that does not seem to be the issue.  I seem to be making enough but she just is not gaining weight and it is heart breaking.  

Has anyone dealt with this?  I spoke to the women on my baby month board and got alot of support and it was also suggested I come to this board.

I want her to gain what she should and not lose weight, I wanted to ebf but it seems until I can meet with the LC I have no choice.  The pedi said once I get her weight up we can try weening her off of the supplemental formula and go back to ebf.  I hope that will work out. 

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