
need advice (xp from nov 11)

So, DD (who eats about 10-16 oz a day) ate 22 oz yesterday!!!  YAY!!!  She slept a bunch on Sat, so I am assuming this may be a growth spurt.  She ate 3 5oz bottles in a row from 6 am to 2 pm!  So, really happy about that (she has done this a handful of times before, maybe 4-5 (eaten 20 oz or so)).  So, then starting at about 9 pm, she started screaming bloody murder.  She did this for 5 hours.  Nothing we did could help.  We gave her 2 doses of gas drops in that time, I walked with her, bounced her, laid her on her belly, bicycled kicked... nothing worked.  Her body was stiff as a board.  She did arch her back a few times, and curled in to the fetal position a few times, but it was mainly stiff.  At 2:30 this morning, my husband said he would take her and drive around, so that I could get some sleep.  We undressed her from her sleep sack, and VOILA, she calmed down.  She started cooing, and playing and seemed generally happy.  She did this until about 4 am, then conked out, waking up around 6:30.  I have a call in to my Ped this morning (and was going to call last night, but it was about the time she started acting happy).  Anyone have any thoughts about this?  I did put in a call to our children's hospital's doctors, for a second opinion, but they need a release of info and all of her records, so was going to give my Ped another chance, then proceed with this.  It sucks having to do that, because then they know (my Ped) that I want a secondary opinion.  I like them, and pretty much trust them, but I can't figure out why DD can't drink more than 15ish oz without having issues.  I have cut dairy and soy and am thinking of going on the elimination diet (I have packed my food today to start), but it sounds really hard.  Should I try putting her on formula?  I hear that is even harsher on the stomach for some.  UGH.  NEED HELP (and sleep).


ETA:  I should add:  every time she has gotten around 20ish oz in her, she has acted this way.  And, when we undressed her, she was just in a diaper, so I am wondering if she was too hot (although, did not feel warm to me or DH).  No fever either, and she does not have any tooth buds coming through for teeth.

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