3rd Trimester

Had an emotional breakdown last night....

After checking on my two girls last night before going to bed, it dawned on me that I am going to have another baby soon!  Really it took this long for it to really sink in.  While I am excited to meet my new LO, I am also having feelings of guilt and sadness associated with my older two.  First off I am so sad that DD#2 is no longer going to be my "baby" even though she just turned 3 she is still my baby and loves to snuggle up wtih mommy and daddy.  DD#1 has a ton of events scheduled for this week including kindergarten screening and her 1st dance recital.  I am so worried about missing them and will feel so guilty and sad if I am not there to celebrate and share those moments with her. 

I also feel like I have been so short tempered and moody lately because I have been feeling like crap.  I just feel so bad for my girls, like I havent' given them enough time, haven't spent enough 1:1 time with them, and haven't prepared them enough for how things are going to be once the baby gets here. 

I love them both so much, I just feel so bad  when I thnk about the all the times that I am not going to be able to focus just on them once the baby comes.  I know that these are all silly hormonal thoughts, but I can't help it. Anyone else?

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