3rd Trimester

Maddie's birth story

Madison Clara was born on May 8th at 2:27 pm weighing 7lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 in long.

Sunday night I woke up at 2am having strong contractions. At 3:30am I went to the bathroom and found my bloody show. Since my high risk doc's hospital is over an hour away, we called my in-laws to come watch DD and headed to the hospital. I contracted the whole way, but by the time we got there, my contractions fizzled. They kept me for an hour for monitoring, but I was only 1cm and 50% effaced, so they discharged me. The high risk doc said at my apt on Thursday we would talk about an induction since I would be 40 weeks 1 day at that point and that would reduce the risk of having the baby in the car on the way to the hospital.

I went home had contractions the rest of Monday. Tuesday at 2am I woke up again with strong contractions. They were so strong sometimes that I had the shakes from them. They were 13-14 mins apart, so I didn't want to head to the hospital and make a big scene like before. I had an apt. with my regular OB at 10am that day any how, and I figured I'd go there first. 

It was an uncomfortable ride the the OB apt; I drove myself. When I got there, he checked me and told me I was 5cm and very thin. He wanted to send me to L&D, but I wanted to deliver at my high risk doc's hospital. He told me that I couldn't drive myself (1hr+ drive) and that if I was going, I had to go immediately.

I called DH to pick me up at the doc's office. Then we had to pick DD1 up from daycare. We wanted to take her home so my MIL could watch her, but that would have added a 1/2 hr to the trip, so we just took her to the hospital with us. We called my in-laws and told them to meet us at the hospital and take DD1 home.

It was an uncomfortable ride to the hospital. About a 1/2hr from the hospital, I started feeling like I had to push. It was pouring, of course, so we couldn't drive very fast and then when we were almost to the hospital we had to wait for an accident that blocked the intersection. By the time we got to the hospital, I thought I was dying.

DH dropped me off at the ER and went to park the car and take care of DD1. I walked into the ER, looked at the triage nurse, and said I have to push! She responded by asking me about my date of birth and symptoms. I was pissed. I finally made it to L&D. It's a teaching hospital so between me saying I feel pressure and the students, there were a million people in the room. I was check at at 7cm. I wanted an epi, but both anesthesiologists where in a procedure and it would be an hour. I got a shot of fentanal (sp) which did nothing. I waited unitl I could stand it any more then the OB came in and said, let's break your water. You'll dilate immediately and can push. I was resistant, but agreed. 

In the mean time, DH was down with the in-laws trying to put DD1's car seat in. I called and told him he had about 15 mins before it'd all be over; come now! After they broke my water, things got very intense. I had no one there to help me except the nurse who was wonderful. I kept saying how scared I was and she told me I was doing great. The contractions and urge to push was so strong, but I had to get to 10cm. They decided to give my cervix a local (yeah with a massive needle) so that the urge to push would go away while I progressed. I don't know if they every put it in. It felt like everyone had their hands in me which made the contractions and pressure worse. After they broke my water it took about 5 mins or less to get from 7cm to 10cm. I kept begging to push and they kept saying not yet. I was screaming and moaning like an animal. I made sounds I never thought I could. They told me you can push in two contractions. Then when they said you can push, I grabbed my legs, pushed as hard as I could (the nurses yelled because I forgot to breath) and pushed DD2 out in one long hard push. I knew there was meconium when they broke my water, but she also had the cord around her next once. They put her on my belly. She was purple/blue and not making a sound. They took her to the warmer and started suctioning her. She pinked up and did ok. We both had petechiae from the force and lack of oxygen during the delivery.

DH got into the room just in time for me to deliver my placenta. I'm glad he wasn't there, it would have scared him. So, I was admitted at 1:30 pm and had DD2 at 2:27 pm! 

Breastfeeding sucks. Pumping sucks. We're on our way to formula land. She's a good sleeper and not really fussy. I'm having some baby blues especially since I feel like I'm not spending enough time with DD1. But everyone is doing well.
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