3rd Trimester

Decreased movement...

Hello all. So I am currently 29 weeks. Over the past week I have felt lots of movement, it has been pretty consistent. The past 2 days I have felt much less. I still feel her, just not as often and the kicks don't feel as big. I know this is probably normal, maybe she turned and it is just harder to feel in this position? It really bums me out though.. I can't help but worry a little bit. I have an apptmnt tomorrow so I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again... In the meantime can you guys help ease my mind a bit?


Also I have a question, I am interested in renting a doppler heart monitor (for situations like these) has anyone else done this? Can you recommend anything? I have found a couple websites that rent them out for a good price but I don't know much about it. Thanks Everyone.

Can't wait to meet my baby girl! Elizabeth Violet is due July 26th, 2012
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