
STTN and oversupply

LO is STTN--I'm so lucky. She just... sleeps! like magic! She sleeps from about between 8-9 at night until about 5-5:30 in the AM. 

(I did NO sleep training or anything like that. It's just what she does. She has always slept really well at night).

Anyway, when I wake up, my boobs are super ultra full and she's getting drenched. She will only nurse from one boob and be super full. So that leaves the other super full. When she eats again, I usually put her back on the first to finish draining it and she is full after that feeding. As you can imagine, this point, the non-drained boob is positively exploding. At the next feeding if I feed her from the unused breast, she gets a ton of milk, really fast.

We're having a lot of gas and fussing issues and I am sure it's related to my oversupply and too much/too fast/too much foremilk. Poor little beast has to gulp my milk to keep up. :(  She has been STTN for about a week, maybe a week and half.

How would you go about correcting this? I've been avoiding pumping in the AM so I don't feed into the oversupply.  

(And PS for those that have helped, commiserated, given advice: We've been off the shield totally for over a week now! YAY!)  

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