3rd Trimester

This baby is impatient!

So, Thursday night I ended up in the OB because I was having contractions.  Turns out I was dehydrated.  They put me on light duty, 48 hour watch, and told me to drink at least 4 of those huge hospital cups (or buckets as my boss calls them, LOL).  I've been doing that, and I was feeling fine.


My baby shower was yesterday, and since it was sooo nice (70 degrees on the Oregon coast!) my mom was going to have it outside.  I stayed in the shade as much as possible, and then we decided to move it inside.  Turned out really nice, but I think I may have over-exerted myself.


I ended up BACK in the OB the other night, with more contractions, though they weren't as bad as they were Thursday.   However, they should have been gone by now (or so my husband thinks).


Now I'm on light duty again, another 48 hour watch, supposed to stay off my feet as much as possible, and not stress out.  Hubby and I are thinking that we may not make it to June! 

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