
How much to bottle feed a bf baby? (cross-posted)

Hi everyone - we are going to a wedding tomorrow (30 mins away, hoping to be there for at least a few hours, hopefully more) - and I am wondering how much milk I should leave my Mom (thaw out and I pumped some fresh milk today and can pump more tomorrow) to give him. Kellymom says divide 25 oz or so by the # of feedings. I am now feeding on demand and not keeping track as much of the # of feedings, and he has cluster fed some in the last 3 days or so. The last amt of feedings (3 days ago) was about 10. But the last time we fed him w. a dr brown bottle, he seemed to want more than 2.5 oz. He is 11 lbs and 3 weeks old. Any other advice that you can give me to try to figure it out? I don't want her to overfeed him...

We also bought some Tommy Tipee bottles to try out. I really wanted the new Medela breast-like bottle (calma) but couldn't find it anywhere and Target had the Tommy bottles. Hope they work! Not sure the Dr brown was working for us last time we tried it.

Also - when DH bottle feeds him tonight as a "test run" - should I be out of the room? Will me being here influence whether he takes the bottle or not?

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