3rd Trimester

A little annoyed at DH for Mother's Day

He's left the house twice now to get me a present - some may think sweet - but honestly I'd just rather he be home, helping me with our two kids so I can put my feet up.  Him being gone 4 hours during the weekend - is NOT a present.  I'd rather him make something w/ the kids or let the kids pick me out something.  Or clean the house and do the laundry.  Or cook me dinner.  Not leave . . .

 I did see these cute necklaces that are engraved and sent him a link two months ago, but I'm assuming he did not order them.  

 So what did I do while he was out - wipe a poopy hiney, make his mom's mother's day gift, chop fruit for the mother's day brunch tomorrow, get dinner ready, do laundry.  

 I know I'm grumpy - but I'm swollen, sore, and tired and not patient  : )  Hello 3rd trimester. 


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