Single Parents

I give up!!! (short rant)

So its official. I am going to diagnose the father of my child as BI-POLAR!!! Two weeks ago he wanted me to promise him that no matter if he is doing good or bad, that i will let him see our daughter.... However on Tuesday, he made a post on FB about how he was going to do something dumb so that he can get arrested...And I text him saying "What about seeing your daughter"... he responds "Leave me the F*** alone...I dont love that baby"...

 Who does that? I'm done. After him being so mean to me after i told him i was pregnant...threating my safety...and then completly stop talking to me...and now this...I AM DONE. With no apology from him...I tried helping him find a job, got him interviews and giving him words of encouragment, and I even considered not filing for child support... yet he still chooses to be an ***. Im done being nice. Im not going to continue to play the back and forth games.. He won't see my daughter until the courts set theur guidelines. I have to protect my daughter from being hurt.

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