3rd Trimester

Spoke with Pediatrician regarding recommendation made by OB

I had a growth u/s on Tue. and found out that the baby is estimated at 8lbs 4 oz.  They will not induce for another 2 weeks. So my ob says to me "I can offer you a c/s"  When I told her I would rather try for a vaginal delivery she told me that there was a risk for shoulder dysplaysia and that they could have to break the baby's clavicle if that happened.  So basically I left my appointment thinking I really didn't have a choice but to schedule a c/s. 

I have since then been doing some research as well as getting the opinions of all the ladies on this board.  Yesterday, my older daughters had an appointment so I asked the pedi. what his thoughts were.  He was quite surprised that the ob even menitoned that to me and that he thinks they do too many unnecessary c/s.  He said if her clavicle were to break, it isn't that big of a deal and that the bones in infants heal very fast because they are so soft.  He said it is not very common at all for this to happen and that he has seen plenty of 10 and 11 pound babies.  I mentioned how the ob said the baby could gain a pound a week, and he didn't think that was likely to happen. 

 Overall, he made me feel a lot better.  I will be meeting with a different ob at my next appointment so I plan to get her input as well.  Any thoughts? BTW this is baby #3 for me and both of my girls were over 8 lbs and I delivered them without any complications.

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