Single Parents

Intro- have been lurking for along time

Hi Ladies,

I have been lurking on this board since i was three months pregnant, Emma is now 2 months old.

To make a long story short my husband of 17 years left me when i was 3 months pregnant, possibly due to another woman (I am still not completly sure). I was a mess for a long time, and did everything i could to try and make him come back to me (stupid i know but pregnancy hormones make you do crazy things). 

I just wanted to say thank you, I would read the posts saying things would get better eventually, and I clung to that hope.  You know what they do get better.  I still get sad and I am lonely as I know nobody in the area, but everyday I get a little stronger.  My divorce will be finalized next month and I am honestly looking forward to that part of my life being over.

Being a single parent is not easy, but its so much better than being with someone that you cannot trust. 

Anyway again thank you to all you ladies your advice (even though not directed to me) really helped me through a very dark time. 



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