
Suggestions on how to reverse "Reverse Cycling"?

My 4 month old HATES bottles. He will only eat the absolute minimum during the day while I am at work. I still have to pump while I'm at work so that I have enough to send with him just in case he decides to eat that day. It's depressing to pump twice in the day and end up dumping so much of it every time they try with the bottle. 

To make up for not eating all day, he is attached to me for about 2-3 hours when I get home every night, and up every 2-3 hours during the night until I drop him off at daycare in the morning. I'm exhausted. 

I've been back to work for a month now. I think part of the problem now is not that he just hates bottles, but he is so used to getting all his calories at night he doesn't even want to eat when daycare tries to feed him.

Has anyone ever dealt with reverse cycling and have suggestions on how to reverse it? I think if I can get him to be hungry in the day he will start drinking his bottles.  

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