
Refusing the bottle.

It is my own fault as I am a SAHM and so I haven't been good about giving a bottle the last couple of months and now my 5 month old flat out refuses the bottle. He did last month as well when I went to a baby shower. Ive tried, my husband, friend with minimal success - he will slowly take 1-2 ounces. I've tried a different type. Not sure what to do. We have a wedding next weekend and planned to leave him with my mom. Suggestions? 
TTC #1 since 6/08, MFI dx'd 3/09 Varicocelectomy 6/09, Hydrocelectomy 10/09 IVF with ICSI in Jan/Feb 2010 ER 2/7, ET 2/12 - transferred 2 blasts 5 snowbabies Beta #1 = 22 #2 = 19. Chemical Pregnancy :( FET May 2010 ET 5/30 - transferred 3 embies = BFN Fall/10 Went Gluten free + New RE and Clinic IUI #1 + Clomid 50 mg (1 follie) on 1/18 IUI #2 + Clomid 100 mg (1 follie) on 2/15 IUI# 3 + Femara 7.5 mg (1 follie) on 3/14 = BFP!!!! Beta #1 = 172 (15dpiui) Beta #2 =683!!! Ultrasound at 7 wks: 1 perfect beating heart. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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