3rd Trimester

39 weeks and not dialated at all - 2nd time moms

So went to my 39 week appointment yesterday and found out I'm not dialated at all yet.  No worries on baby's health - heartbeat, movement & measurements are all good.  Ideally I'd prefer not to be induced (but I recognize that I don't have any control over when he decides to make an appearance).  However if he doesn't make an appearance by my 40 week appointment - they will check my cervix again and also do an ultrasound to make sure the fluid/placenta are still at the right levels and functioning well.  If they are fine - they will wait until almost 41 weeks to induce, but if not they will induce the next day. 

 So - my question is - any 2nd time moms out there that were not dialated at all at 39 weeks and still went into labor without induction before 40 - 41 weeks?

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