3rd Trimester

irritated with work and coworker

A friend of mine mentioned over the weekend that she had heard my coworker is moving to Florida at the beginning of June to be closer to her boyfriend (we are in NC).  My friend is bfs with my coworkers boyfriends sister (make sense?)...but my friend is not friends with my coworker, they had a falling out.  

Anyway...my coworker is my backup and is supposed to be stepping in while I'm not here. I'm on half days until the end of this week and apparently she hasn't done anything for the things that have come up while I've been out this week except take notes and have me follow up the next day.  Which means a whole lot of extra work and upset clients that aren't geting what they want immediately.  

Yesterday she mentioned her BF talking about how her dad has never helped her move...what a strange thing to discuss when you're "not moving"?  I know her house is on the market (her divorce recently went through here so she has no family or attachments here except her job)  

 My boss is also my backup but he's been out all this week and will be out next week.  I don't want my clients neglected while I am out and everyday is one day closer to me leaving.  I hope she has the decency to put in a notice and I'm tempted to flat out tell her I heard she is moving but I don't want to say anything I shouldn't since I was told this "rumor" in confidence.

My coworker is also a "friend" so I have this dilemma of do I mention to my boss the rumor, address my coworker or just wait and see how things happen...while my clientele suffer? 

Lionyl Osborne "Lio" is here! May 23rd 2012 at 2:54am 8lbs 4oz 21inches Born at 37weeks 6days
DD #1 born 9/3/2003 - 8 years old - 3rd grade!
DD #2 born 3/22/2007 - 5 years old - in full time preschool

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