3rd Trimester

I just needed to complain a little (or a lot)


Sorry. I try to avoid being that person, but I am in a really crappy mood today and needed to get some complaining in...


I am so exhausted.  All that 2nd trimester energy is completely gone.  All I want to do is sleep.  Getting up every morning, even after a good 8 hours of sleep feels like such a feat.   I don?t understand how people do this- I mean, mom?s with toddlers ? how can you have the energy to care for a toddler when you?re feeling like this?  I admire you so much for being able to do this.


My feet are swollen and achy, and now it?s creeping up my legs too.  My fingers are sore and stiff every morning.  I have a rash all over my tummy and back that is itching like crazy.


To top it all off, we?re in the middle of packing up our apartment, cleaning and moving. DH is a huge help when he can, but he has a lot of higher-priority stuff to deal with himself ? so he really can?t be home helping as much as I wish. I?m getting overwhelmed and stressed about the amount of stuff that needs  to be done over the next month or so (packing, moving, unpacking?etc) 


And that?s before I can even think about all the stuff we need to do before the baby comes-  I literally have like 2 outfits, 1 toy and 2 books? and NOTHING ELSE for the baby. I?ve had some offers from my family for help with moving but it?s hard for me to accept it.  Especially when it comes to packing and unpacking, I?m very particular about how I want it done, and I honestly just don?t like the idea of other people getting that into our belongings (I?m generally pretty private that way) and I really feel bad if I say something like ?well you can come clean the bathrooms for me!? 


Lastly, my father-in-law gets on my nerves sometimes!  I mean, in general he?s a very sweet, caring man and I really am lucky to have a good relationship with him. But sometimes I just want to tape his mouth shut because he gets under my skin so much.


Ok.  I?m done.  Thanks-  that feels good to get it out.

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