3rd Trimester

Nobody cares...

I am 31 weeks pregnant with my 3rd (2nd was a miscarriage) child. I had my first son 7 years ago and I am married again and very happy and in love with my husband, something I didn't have years ago. My husband and I recently moved to be closer to his family, but no one ever calls or comes by, even though we live a few blocks away, and now half of them are not even on FB anymore, which is how we had kept in contact before we moved. Anyway, I feel like if none of them even care that we are going to have a baby very soon. I have always tried to be a good daughter-in-law, but it seems like none of his family want to give me a chance. I am tried of always making the first move. No one is coming to my baby shower--which I was going to host--so I cancelled it. Would it be wrong of me not to let his family know when our son gets here? Like I said, I'm tired of chasing after his family. Maybe I'm being self-centered but I'm feeling hurt...
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