Single Parents

Struggling every day

I left my husband almost a month ago, and have been living with my parents. I'm six months pregnant and scared to do this alone. I found out he was cheating our entire marriage and couldn't take the lies and abuse any more. He's been out of the country and is coming home on mother's day. I'm scared for him to return because i want nothing to do with him. I guess my question is, how do you deal with seeing the father of your child after the baby is born. Does it get easier? I'm worried he will move on before me (seems he already has). But how will I face him for the rest of my life, knowing what he did to me and our "family." I guess it would be easier if I could have left him without any strings attached. But I don't want to be the kind of mother that doesn't let her baby see her father. He's so manipulative that I don't even trust him around me or my daughter. I don't see things changing. it just feels so hopeless. How do you single mothers do this? I'm not sure if I'm strong enough.
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