3rd Trimester

Moms who have already had a baby before.. *Water breaking question!!

I was using the restroom earlier and when I shifted to wipe I felt a really weird "pop" in my belly. Almost like a really thick bubble feeling.. And I heard it too.. When I wiped it was a little more wet than normal.. But I'm used to wiping and getting the discharge/pee stuff.. This was just more than usual I thought.. I have had back labor for 4 days now.. I've been really crampy too.. Almost like menstrual cramps.. I feel like I'm in a constant contraction almost.. My belly is like a rock all the time.. I was checked yesterday at the Dr. and I was 2-3 cm dilated and 75% effaced.. Doctor said I could go anytime with the stuff I explained to her..  Could my water have broke on the toilet?? I'm a FTM so I'm not sure what to expect/how it happens etc.
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