3rd Trimester

ocular migraines? (re-post from July 2012)

Hi ladies...I don't normally post on the tri boards (I mostly stick to July 2012 mamas) but I thought I might get some good responses if I posted this here.

Last week, I had a slightly scary trip to L&D, when I got really dizzy at work, followed by some unwelcome eye-fireworks that didn't go away for about 30 minutes. Well, they monitored me for about an hour and sent me home with very little explanation. They basically told me that it could be blood sugar related, but that baby looked perfectly fine and to just take it easy for the rest of the day. Since then, on probably four separate occasions, I've had similar "spells" that don't include the dizziness, but the bizarre visual disturbances. Basically my vision is kind of like I've been staring at the sun. Sometimes it's in both eyes and sometimes the right eye only. Sometimes when it's in only the right eye, the best way I can describe it is like I can see a moving ceiling fan in the corner of my eye that's not really there. It's really weird and scary. Every time, it's gone away in 30 min or so. I did some googling and it sounds like what I'm experiencing is ocular migraines, which can be common in pregnancy. According to what I've read, they're annoying but not harmful. Sometimes I feel fine after, sometimes (like right now) I'm left with a real migraine after, which super-sucks. I've never been prone to migraines in my life and I'm hoping it's just pregancy-related and will go away after LO gets here. I've taken a couple Tylenol but that was about an hour ago and my headache is still pretty wicked. My next doc appointment is Monday, so I plan to bring it up then. Anyone else experiencing anything similar, or heard of it? Everything I've read has convinced me it's not dangerous but it's starting to really bug me.

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