Upstate NY Babies

Update on my friend (messy divorce)

My friend is getting a divorce, it is pretty messy, but my friend won't say what she did to lose custody of her kid (if you lose custody of your child, that speaks for itself) and is doing everything she can to make her ex look bad.

Anyway she mass e-mailed a bunch of people the other day (including me of course) and asked us to send her son a card for his 2nd birthday to show support, also that he likes Elmo, Thomas, etc (for gifts).

She got some nasty responses back (because people like to hit "reply all"!) basically people saying what I was thinking - we don't want to be told to send the kid a gift etc.

I am irritated because my friend will not come out and say what she did to lose custody (she doesn't know I know, and it's bad), bad mouths her ex, she has never once thanked me for her baby shower gifts or first birthday.  She just has never been there for me... like when my mom passed or I had my babies.. I just thought it was a little much for her to blatantly ask for us to send him stuff when she isn't there for her friends (other friends agree).  If anything I think she could have been a little more discreet about it, like "Here is my son's address as I know many of you were asking" type of thing (he lives on the west coast and she is in NY).

I'm not a fan of watching this whole drama unfold on FB, and then through e-mail, many mass messages at this point and a whole lot of reply-alls.. I am tempted to block her.  This is becoming an unhealthy friendship, even though she is going through a rough time (her own fault), she is always taking, never giving.  It is sad and I pray for her son.

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