3rd Trimester

Had a sono yesterday and now am totally freaked out!

So I went for my growth sono yesterday. I am 37 weeks...baby is estimated to be 8lbs 4 oz.  That part didn't really freak me out, because I have been figuring that she will weigh rough 9 1/2 pounds.  My first two were in the 8 lb range.  What did freak me out was when i met with the dr. after.  First thing she says to me is "wow you have a big baby in there, you are gonna have to deliver in the next few days".  I responded to her with "really"? Her reply was "No but I can offer you a c-section."  I told her that I would rather try for a vaginal delivery.  She said that was okay but that she had to tell me about the risk of shoulder dysplasia and the possibility of them having to break the baby's clavicle to get her out. 

 So needless to say I am now freaked out.  I don't want to have an unnecessary c-section, but I also don't want to take the chance of causing harm to my daughter. 
They said they would induce at 39 weeks, so I have two weeks left before they will induce, by that point she could be over 10 lbs.  I am so torn as to what to do.  With my first two they were off on the sonograms weight estimates by at least a pound, stating that the baby was bigger than what they ended up being.  My previous doctor had told me that she thouht I wouldn't have a problem deliverying a 9+ pounder. 

So my doctor basically said well hopefully we won't see you next week...you are 3 cm but your cervix is still high and firm.  So who knows.....I could walk around at 3cm forever!  And to top it all off if I end up having the baby before the 19th, then I will miss DD#1's K-screening and her first dance recital.  I am so sad and upset at this point.  I have pretty much made my decision and think that if I don't have her in the next week or so that I am going to opt for the c-section.  But I am just wondering what you all think.  Any thoughts suggestions, words of advice are appreciated at this time.  Thanks for reading, sorry it was so long!

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