Single Parents

Seeking advice for a soon-to-be single mom

I am currently 5 1/2 months pregnant with my 1st and the child's father has made it impossible to be around him or even communicate with him.

The child's father refused to get a job (he has been out of work since november), I told him I would like to move closer to my parents so that we could have a support system and he said o.k. but I told him a stipulation would be that he would have to at least make a full attempt to find a job. I took a week off from work 2 weeks before we were set to move so he could use the phone with no hinderences and so I could pack up the house. Not once did he call any place of business to follow up on his applications. I told him that he needed to take the tax return money he was getting and think about finding new arrangements because I was tired of supporting him and not getting even a thank you in return) One day, he decided that it was just easier to attempt suicide than have to try and find a job. I came home from work to find him unresponsive in my living room with a suicide note in the dining room with all his pills that he had taken. He told his crisis counselor that he did it to make me feel bad for making him find other arrangements. When he was released, I told him to pack up and find another place to stay because he wasn't welcome with me anymore.

My mom helped me move and I am currently living with both my parents away from everything I had built for myself in the last 7 years. It had been a month since I had seen him when I emailed him the results of all the genetic testing. A week went by for I got a response "I am ready to talk. Then he gave me his cell #." He basically has no interest in his child. I had to initate every thing, so I stopped.

About 2 weeks with no contact, he texts me out of the blue that he is feeling abandoned and that he is never going to be able to forgive me. I tell him he did alot to me to. Then he went and is blaming his entire life problems on me and about how he is just going to commit suicide. I told him I was done talking to him and didn't want anything to do with him. I haven't heard from him since. 

How do you go about preparing yourself mentally to be a single mom? I still don't know if having to deal with all the drama is worth the child support and having to allow him access to this precious baby. 

If you read all of this, I commend you. I really just need some advice. 





26 yr old single mama to Violet Jane, Worker Drone to the Man and perpetual student. Image and video hosting by TinyPic9/7/2012
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