3rd Trimester

Mini Panic Attack

I was taking a shower yesterday and looked down at my belly and realized, "Holy Crap! I'm having a baby!" Like, there is no getting out of it at this point. This baby is going to need to come out at some point!!! I started freaking out thinking about L&D and how soon it's coming up. 

This whole pregnancy has been so easy and it's only been thoughts of cute baby clothes, walks in the stroller and all those baby giggles, and somehow I totally forgot I've got to get him out of me to do all those things!!! WTF how did I forget about that part?! I had to sit down in the shower and reassure myself that billions of women have done that part including my own mother and it'll only be one small step in the journey of DD's life. BUT YIKES! I'm definitely getting nervous!

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