3rd Trimester

Should I be preparing a hospital bag ALREADY???

I am 30 weeks, and as some of you may know I have been measuring big. since 25 weeks. I am now measuring at 36 instead of 30, which I have heard doesnt mean a whole lot except Baby is big since my GD test came back normal.

But yesterday after my first baby shower and an EXTREMELY busy week I had some blood. not sure a whole lot, just enough to get my attention. I didnt call my doctor cause it was Saturday and they are not in the office, plus i have an appointment on Wednesday so I figured I would just ask their opinion then, but until then I would like others opinion. Should I be preparing my Hospital Bag? I dont have anything really ready for baby yet which freaks me out. But has anyone had this same situation happen to them, where they think they are really early but measuring big, and then ended up having their baby really early. Im a little nervous. Any opinions would be great

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