3rd Trimester

Anemia - recipies/suggestions?

Greetings Ladies,

I have had a long week with dizzy spells and practically passing out, light sensitivity, etc.  At first they said I had vertigo, but my bloodwork came back and I am anemic.  It was a bit of a shock since they have been testing my iron this entire time and it was always fine.  In fact, they tested just a couple of weeks ago.  Course, they not sure now if I have vertigo or if it all from being anemic.  I am hoping for the anemia since that should go away after birth unlike what they say about vertigo!

(quick back story - I have been a vegatarian for over 15 years and started to crave red meat so they keep testing my iron and such and it was always fine before.  I am a vegatarian because I have simply never liked the taste of meat, so since it has nothing to do with dietry or ethical beliefs on my dr.'s advice I have given in to the craving.  Weird to suddenly want/like something I have disliked basically since my birth!)

Anyway, I am now on an iron supplement and I have read to take it with Vitamin C and avoid calcium.  But since I am a vegatarian (except for red meat now *sigh*) anyone have any other suggestions for iron or fiber (I want to avoid more meds with stool softeners if possible).  Going grocery shopping later and trying to figure out what to get.

Also - anyone know how much calcium is bad?  Any?  What if you have cheese on hamburger - that cancel out the iron?  Or butter with iron?  Or is it larger amounts like glass of milk?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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