
Still very distracted nurser...what is your day like?

DD is EBF and gets 2-3oz solids (after BFing) usually yogurt, oats with BM, or sweet potatos and we do BLW for others.  Ever since 4 months she has been a very distracted nurser.  She eats roughly every 4 hours during the day (any less and it is just snacking which doesn't help) and I have to sit in her dark nursery, sing and often bounce.

She will nurse before naps and I often do that to ensure she isn't waking up hungry but I'd rather she eat after waking or sometime between naps.  Lately her naps have been junk and I'd like to remove any possibility that nursing before is a factor -- even though she goes down drowsy and knows how to put herself to sleep.

We are moving from 3-2 naps so everything feels a bit off since her wakes times are around 3 hours.  Curious what others rough days look like on a 2 nap and EBF "schedule" and I use that word loosely.

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