
xp from working moms- 14 m/o breast milk at daycare

XP from Working Moms...

DD is 14 months now and still nursing/EBF.  All of the other babies in her class are on WCM exclusively.  Her teacher has expressed concern about her not drinking WCM yet, but she is thriving on BM, her doctor is unconcerned, and I'm hoping to breastfeed/pump until she's 2.  She does have sips of DH's cow milk and i'll put a little WCM in her cheerios or something, but i would prefer to keep her on BM as her drinking milk for as long as possible, until 2. 

When this first came up, her teacher and i agreed that we would get rid of the botltes and put her BM in a sippy.  She is not attached to her bottles, she nurses at night or has an occasional bottle with DH at night, but really is not attached so i'm not worried that she still uses them from time to time.

Friday her teacher said that since the kids sometimes steal each others cups at the table at lunch she is worried about another baby drinking DD's BM.  if i want to keep DD on BM she will need to separate her during snack time to prevent this from happening.  She also said that she didn't want the other babies to see DD's bottle since she doesn't want them regressing. 

I'm trying to be logical about this and not over sensitive.  I don't want her to be separated from the group, so I'm okay with giving her WCM if i have to be and i dont want her to be developmentally stunted for using an occasional bottle.  idk what to do- am i being stupid by trying to keep her on BM?  WWYD?  i'm kind of confused...


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