
Dropping a pumping session?

I pump at work M-F (3X / day) and once at night every night of the week.  I nurse DD when I'm with her.  I always get at least what DD needs by pumping at work, and usually I get a whole bottle extra or more.  I don't think I've ever (or very rarely) had to use any milk from my nightly pump to make what DD needed for the next day at daycare, and if I ever have it sure hasn't been recently.

I started pumping at night to build my stash, and just never gave it up.  Probably because I'm paranoid, and because I just don't want to be super uncomfortable in the morning!

So, I'm thinking of dropping my night pumping session.  I want to go to bed early and not pump on the weekends!  

But...I'm worried it will mess with my supply throughout the day?  I'm hoping my body will just adjust and not produce whatever it is I pump at that session - that's fine, but I was wondering if anyone had experience with this and could say if dropping one pumping session made their output lower at other times during the day?

Also, anything else I should consider as I decide if I should drop this pumping session?  


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