
BFing at functions...

I am going to a "welcome home" party for someone that just came home from Afghanistan.  I will be around all of my husbands USMC co-workers and their significant others.  My DD is 6 weeks old and I try to exclusively BF, however, if someone is watching her for me she takes a bottle of breastmilk.  

I really don't like using a bottle because she tends to get pretty gassy and I find that when I'm out I don't have a place to warm it up.  

Soooo.... do you think it would be inappropriate to BF using one of my **THIS IS SPAM** at this function?

If I do bring bottles, I normally keep them in a cooler with an ice pack.  Can I just pack the bottles from the fridge and let them get to room temperature without the ice pack?  If so, how long can they be kept at room temp?

TIA !!!!  

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