
Dairy free for almost 8 weeks but

my EBF LO's diapers are still sometimes mucusy and sometimes have little pinpoint dots of blood in them. She is otherwise very happy, relaxed, content, and gaining weight.  No gassiness, spitting up (except when she overeats), or crying.  Poops are yellow/mustard in color.  I experienced the same things with my twin girls, cut out cow dairy, and never had problems again.  This time I have also eliminated goat/sheep dairy (we live in Italy and there is a lot of delicious sheep's cheese here!), and I am still seeing problems every now and then.  I don't eat any soy, although it's possible there may have been hidden soy in something I ate.  Should I consider eliminating something else?  The pedi seems unconcerned, but I would like to see normal diapers again!
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