
When to give breast milk and formula?

I have a low supply and have been struggling to increase it, but I am doing all that I can and hope to continue to see some improvement. My LO doesn't seem to get much milk when he nurses, but he likes it for comfort, so I nurse when he wants to, but typically pump and bottle feed.  I have to supplement with formula because I can only pump about 8 ounces per day.  My LO is eating 8 times per day, and having 3 ounces at a time, so 24 ounces total per day.

Does it matter how I give him the breast milk I pump?  I gave him 2 bottles yesterday of 3 ounces of breast milk, and another feeding he got the remaining 2 ounces of breast milk and then after he finished that I gave him 1 ounce of formula.  The other feedings were all formula.

Is that okay or should I give him a little of each during every feeding?


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