3rd Trimester

Cramping and diarrhea (tmi but HELP)

Ok, normally a lurker here, but there is something going on and I'm not quite sure what I should do. I am currently 37 weeks and for the passed week have been have very loose stool. These last two days it has gotten to the point of diarrhea (I literally have to get up and run to the bathroom). Likewise, I have also been experiencing menstrual-like cramps. Don't get me wrong I have felt BH contractions, but nothing timetable. These cramps, however, come and go (also aren't time-able) and are quite painful. When they happen, I sometimes feel the baby is moving, and sometimes hes not. Everything I've looked at online has told me to go in, and says that my symptoms are signs of labor, however, I have yet to lose my mucous plug, have not been checked for dilation or effacement, and have had a completely normal pregnancy up to this point. I know that if I call my doctor he will tell me to come in regardless and I guess I'm just wondering what you ladies think? Is this just normal, end of pregnancy pains, or should I go into L&D? I should also add that I'm taking an iron supplement (which normally causes constipation) which is why I confused about the diarrhea.
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