3rd Trimester

Made it

Today was my last day at my job! O!M!G! It was tough! Oooof course on my last day, my shoes don't fit since they are swollen so much, we were about out of things (kitchen at nursery home job). SOoooo when nurses and residents start requesting things we don't HAVE it! Not to say this to nurses on here because it isn't ALL the nurses I work with but some, but they seem so freakin ungrateful about what the kitchen staff does. The tell on us for stuff that they do(like talk on the cell phone), get pissed when we don't automatically have stuff ready for something we didn't know we had to have ready so we are rushing even more. I couldn't even take/clock out for break today because they was a multitude of requests and I was trying to finish up on the desserts for lunch.

But anyways. . . . I am done.  . . . I also am debating if I want to come back after the baby is born (after a good comfortable period if I want).

BUT I AM DONE! I AM DONE! Now I am letting my feet rest.


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