
partial weaning

i posted this on my birthmonth board also but wanted to see if anyone has done this successfully. 

 i found this article on kellymom. my friend has successfully done this & i think i'm going to try it. my daughter is mspi & if she cannot tolerate dairy/soy in my diet at 6 months (i tried soy per allergists suggestion & it didn't go well), i have already decided that i am going to 100% wean b/c i just cannot do this diet anymore. i was able to get her back on the breast 100% after a month of attempting to relatch so that has made my life so much easier, rather than exclusively pumping. 

has anyone been able to successfully do this? i think i will try eliminating the 2 afternoon nursing sessions. no judgement please from the people who are nursing exclusively until 1 year. that was my goal & i beat myself up enough about it.  

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