3rd Trimester

Moms who have taken brethine/terbutaline to prevent labor before.

How long after stopping your brethine/terbutaline did you go into active labor and have your baby? I've been taking this since 28 weeks and I'm to the point where I have to actually take it a little earlier than the six hour mark. I wake up through the night and if I've missed it even by an hour I start having really bad contractions and I'm in a lot of pain. I took my medicine at 10 this morning and even now I still feel achy and like I'm going to start contracting again.  I am being taken off on the 16th and was wondering how long I should expect before labor might begin??


**I am pushing to keep him in until 39 (the doctor wants to take him then due to a lot of health complications that have recently popped up I guess with finding things in my urine and glucose problems and such [according to what they've been telling me when I go in]) but I've had some scares.. I'm a first time mom so I don't know what to expect. 

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