3rd Trimester

For those who have colored your hair during pregnancy

During this whole pregnancy, i have kind of been letting my hair just go.  Basically, i look like CRAP.  I haven't really been bothered too much by it, but my husband has an important work event in two weeks, so i really need to try to make myself look presentable.  My doctor already told me that it is safe to color my hair, but i am wondering from other pregnant hair colorers, did people give you a hard time or unsolicited advice about how "you should not be coloring your hair when pregnant."  I am not very outspoken and hate dealing with unsolicited advice and sideways looks, so i am not sure if i would rather have sideways looks from my husband b/c i look like crap for his work event or sideways looks from people living in the dark ages b/c i decided to color my hair.  I would probably feel a bit better about myself if i did a little mini makeover at this point, i just dont want to deal with rude people.

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