December 2011 Moms


I think it would be nice to get to know the remaining ladies on this board a bit better. Should we do a GTKY? 

Tell us 3 things about you!

Here are mine:

1. I was a smoker from age 15 until 27. I smoked about a pack a day, sometimes more. I quit cold turkey when I started dating DH, because he didn't want to kiss a smoker, and never looked back.

2. I won a reading competition in 4th grade and also beat my then BFF in the finale of a school wide ping pong competition. That was a great year for me and I was so proud of my accomplishments.

3. DH and I wrote a book together and it became a bestseller in Germany. It's a satirical book in which we poke fun at America and Americans.

He wrote another book first, making fun of Germans, and it became a bestseller in Germany as well.  

DS born 12/03/2011 @ 36w3d Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

TTC #2: m/c 01/18/13 @7 weeks image

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