3rd Trimester

50 Shades of Annoying.

So unless you live under a rock, I'm guessing you've heard of/read these books.  A bunch of my mom friends and I read them a couple months ago.  They were entertaining and I'll admit a little *inspiring* but the writing is cringe-worthy at best.  Fast forward to the annoying bit.  The author spoke here over the weekend and a group of ladies I know went to go see her.  I passed on the event because, well, ew.  Anyway, said group of friends now seem to have adopted the saying "Laters, baby" and are plastering it all over FB whenever they chat/comment to each other.  Cue vomit.

In other exciting book signing news, I am going to The Bloggess' book signing event this Friday and get my copy of "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" signed by the genius herself.  If you've never read her blog, I suggest starting here:  http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/  Your welcome.

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