
Just a few questions

For those of you that offered me encouragement last week, thank you.  I am still wokring on BFing our little boy.  I've read so much on the Interent and I have to break the addiction to doing that.  Just a few questions.  My son is 2 weeks old and gaining well.

1. My son still has trouble latching on, especially at night, often not openinghis mouth wide enough and flailing his arms about.  I do my best to feed on demand and I don't wait until he's crying.  Any tips for a calmer latch, especially at night.  On occasion, it has taken an hour for him to latch on.

 2. I have an oversupply and often feed from only one breast as recommended LC.  Let down is sometimes so strong that my son lets go, coughs, or breaks suction.  I lay back as far as possible when feeding to help with this. Any other tips to work on this?  He seems to be tolerating  better, but when the latch takes an hour, his letting go can be so frustrating.

 3. Last night, he nursed on and off for 1.5 hours and then again for 2 hours.  Sometimes his suck is so shallow that he's hardly swallowing.  But if I take him off, he continues to show hunger cues and will latch again.  I often have trouble determining when he's done eating.  After some trial and error yesterday, we realized that he will eventually drift off to sleep if removed during the shallow sucking phase.  He rarely removes himself from the breast unless he is upset by forceful let down.  At times, this will end a feeding.  I am always wondering if I am cutting him off too soon (although he has plenty of diapers and is gaining weight.  Anybody else have experiences like this?  How do you fit any sleep in when he is waking up to eat again shortly after you've put him down?

 4. Finally, I think it is getting easier, but nights are killing me and I am not getting much sleep which makes it hard to be patient, especially at night.  How long did it take for you to feel fairly confident?  I'm hoping I'll get there soon.

 Thanks for all of your support!

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