
Supplementing with goats milk

I met with an LC yesterday about the clogged ducts I keep getting. While there, we did a weighted baby got 2.3 ounces! :(   This shocked me! He never acts hungry or unsatisfied, so I had no idea. He's 11 weeks and has gained 4 pounds exactly since coming home from the hospital. He receives 2 5 oz. bottles M-F with his nanny, and I guess this is what is keeping him gaining. 

My supply is very low and it takes me 4 pumps a day to get the 10 oz. for his bottles. When I quit working in 4 weeks, I wont be pumping anymore and he won't be getting those 2 5 oz bottles. I am thinking I will need to supplement..? I real,y don't want to do formula though. Has anyone ever used goats milk? It's the closest thing to breast milk. My sister used it for my nephew when he was labeled failure to thrive, and it did wonders for him!

Im interested to hear your take on if you think he may need to supplement in the summer when he's not getting the full bottles, and your experience with goats milk. Thanks!  

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