
feeding on demand

I did Babywise with my first daughter, and I think it worked so well because she was a great sleeper on her own and I think would have set herself to a 3 hour schedule and STTN at 7 weeks regardless of what I did.  This baby is a snacker.  I am wondering if babies fed on demand eventually snack less and go longer stretches.  I don't imagine she'll be eating every hour when she's one, I'm just wondering if there is an end in sight for this.  She's also so sporadic about it.  Yesterday she ate every few hours.  Tonight it's been 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 8pm.  I just bottle fed her 3.5oz of expressed milk from the fridge and pumped only 3oz so my supply is a little lower than her demand.  
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