3rd Trimester

FTM with a (probably stupid) Q about Breech babies

Hi Everyone- There's been a ton of posts lately about breech babies and I'm curious. How did your doctor know the baby was breech? I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and haven't had an ultrasound since Week 24. I asked the dr. at my last appointment if I would be getting any more ultrasounds and she said no not unless there were any problems. My next appointment is as 32 weeks. How will the dr. know if the baby is breech or not? I know this is probably such a stupid question and maybe they can feel it (?) but that seems so hard to me because I'm so careful with my belly I can't imagine them pushing on it hard enough to tell what it is! I probably sound like such a naive little girl right now, but like I said... I've never done this before and the third trimester is definitely the scariest to me! I'm noticing from these posts there's a lot I don't know about! EEK!
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